
We protect your intellectual wealth

We commemorate a history that has been woven thanks to the vision of our leaders, the professionalism, and the sense of belonging of our collaborators.

Desde 1997


Llámanos al +57 316 8 800 800 – Línea Certificada para Asesoría Inmediata.

    Our Services

    We Are Your Strategic Ally

    Industrial property and copyright

    At Provimarcas we manage global Intellectual Property and corporate law procedures, protecting your most valuable assets such as trademarks and copyrights, and we offer strategies and advice on international contracts.

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    Corporate Law

    A branch of law focused on businesses, encompassing everything from the creation of corporations to data policies and trade secrets. It includes contracts, shareholder agreements, amendments to bylaws, and registrations with chambers of commerce and commercial registries.

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    Legal Processes

    Management and processing of legal matters, including litigation, contracts, mediations, arbitrations, regulatory compliance, rights defense, claims, and legal representation in various jurisdictions.

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    Specialized Firm

    Firma especializada en marcas y patentes con presencia en Colombia y Latinoamérica.

    At PROVIMARCAS S.A.S, we believe in the wealth potential offered by Intellectual Property, accelerating the growth of businesses in Colombia and around the world. With over 26 years of qualified experience, we transcend to become the strategic allies you need, providing comprehensive support in Intellectual Property.

    What do they say about us?

    Learn more with our advisors

    Soraya Mesa
    Soraya Mesa General Manager
    Verónica Restrepo
    Verónica Restrepo Administrative Director
    Mauricio Ochoa
    Mauricio Ochoa Account Executive
    Alexandra Ocampo
    Alexandra Ocampo Account Executive
    Paola Andrea Gómez
    Paola Andrea Gómez Account Executive
    Verónica Uribe
    Verónica Uribe Account Executive

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