
We Protect Your Intellectual Wealth

At PROVIMARCAS S.A.S, We believe in the wealth potential that Intellectual Property entails, accelerating the growth of companies in Colombia and the World


Specialized Firm

Somos una firma de abogados con más de 27 años en el mercado, dedicada a la asesoría de clientes nacionales e internacionales en temas de Propiedad Intelectual y derecho corporativo, con una cartera de más de 3.000 clientes, nuestro equipo de expertos en derecho está capacitado para ofrecer análisis detallados y perspicaces sobre una amplia gama de temas relacionados con derecho marcario, patentes, diseños industriales, derechos de autor, derecho del entretenimiento, incluyendo casos judiciales de relevancia nacional e internacional, cambios legislativos y controversias legales en la materia.


Soraya Mesa
Soraya Mesa General Manager
Specialist in Intellectual Property, Copyrights, and New Technologies
Gustavo Ortega
Gustavo Ortega Legal Director
Lawyer specialized in Intellectual Property / Administrative Law / Environmental Legislation
Verónica Restrepo
Verónica Restrepo Administrative Director
Business Administrator
Pamela Ortega
Pamela Ortega Legal Coordinator
Lawyer specialized in Business Law. Master's in Intellectual Property
Andrea López
Andrea López Lawyer
Specialist in Commercial Law
Oscar Ramírez
Oscar Ramírez Lawyer
Specialist in Procedural Law and Criminal Law
Ana Sofía Gil
Ana Sofía Gil Lawyer
Alejandra Herrera
Alejandra Herrera Lawyer
Pablo Torres
Pablo Torres International Negotiator
International Department
Oscar Guillermo
Oscar Guillermo Patent Expert
Engineer specialized in Intellectual Property
Mónica Bolivar
Mónica Bolivar Accountant
Specialist in Tax Legislation
Mauricio Ochoa
Mauricio Ochoa Account Executive
Alexandra Ocampo
Alexandra Ocampo Account Executive
Richar Salazar
Richar Salazar Opposition Department
Paola Andrea Gómez
Paola Andrea Gómez Ejecutiva de cuenta
Lucia Socha
Lucia Socha Administrative assistant
Deycy Montes
Deycy Montes Commercial Assistant
Carolina Carmona
Carolina Carmona Accounting assistant
Verónica Uribe
Verónica Uribe Account Executive
Business Administrator
Paulina Quiñones
Paulina Quiñones Branding department
Graphic design assistant