

“In 2024, America’s legislators continued their effort to fight against the harmful impact of counterfeit products being sold to American consumers. Counterfeit sellers often detract from the revenue of American businesses, infringe upon U.S. trademark owners’ intellectual property, and threaten the safety of U.S. consumers. America’s elected officials are trying to protect their constituents, along with their businesses, via legislation intended to make it more difficult for counterfeit sellers to operate in the United States. Congress resolved to expand civil liability for e-commerce platforms offering counterfeit goods, create a task force within the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice, and prohibit any executive agency, including the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), from enforcing any trademark that was stolen. This article provides highlights of legislative activities undertaken in 2024 in this regard.


Lastly, this year the House Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet held hearings on “IP Litigation and the U.S. International Trade Commission,” “The U.S. Intellectual Property System and the Impact of Litigation Financed by Third-Party Investors and Foreign Entities,” and “Intellectual Property: Enforcement Activities by the Executive Branch.” These hearings continued Congress’ desire in 2024 to examine current governmental systems and organizations in order to defend, protect and enforce the intellectual property rights of bona fide American trademark owners.”

Information taken from IPWatchdog.


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